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Artist's statement: “Climate change has compressed and conflated human and geologic time scales, making it essential to find ways to conceptualize 'deep time.' This work seeks to make notions of deep time comprehensible through visual exploration of glacier ice, as well as other earthly archives. This project includes intimate collaborations with paleoclimatologists by having them annotate directly onto my photographic prints—a contemporary taxonomy of ice and climate. This portrait was photographed in a cold/clean lab at Montana State University. The ice shown is 10,827 (left side) to 10,833 years old.” Credit: Art x Climate, Ian Van Coller, Dr. Avila Holding Cut Antarctic Icecore, (2017, pigment print on washi with annotations) This art may only be reproduced or re-used in connection with the Fifth National Climate Assessment. Any other use must be negotiated with the author.