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Assessing drought in a changing climate

Report cover

In a changing climate, the intensity, duration, and frequency of droughts may change. This poses new challenges for drought assessment. To discuss these challenges, the CPO-led National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Climate Hubs co-hosted the Drought Assessment in a Changing Climate Technical Working Meeting on February 28–March 1, 2023. The outcomes of the meeting directly informed the development of the new report, Drought Assessment in a Changing Climate: Priority Actions and Research Needs, which highlights priority actions and research questions to improve drought assessment across fifteen focus areas.

The report offers a rich collection of ideas for action and research that federal, tribal, state, local agencies and academic institutions can advance. It captures the ideas and feedback of more than 100 subject matter experts from over 44 institutions across the drought research and practitioner communities.

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